CS 104 Lab # 2

Objective:   To gain experience with logical controls and animations
Hypothesis:   None for lab2
Solution:   A complete program with proper format and comments.

The Bouncing Ball Game

In this lab, you will create a simple game called BouncingBallGame, which is an extension of the BouncingBall example we have worked on in class. In this game, a red ball bounces in the window and the player move a blue ball in the bottom to prevent the red ball from falling off the window. Every time the red ball bounces off the blue ball, the score of the game is increased by 1 and the speed of the red ball is increased by 3%.

Below is a demo of what we have in mind.

Grading Points

Grading Point Allocations


Style, and Efficiency (7 pts total)
3 pts. appropriate comments
2 pts. good variable names
2 pts. appropriate formatting
Correctness of the program (13 pts)
13 pts the game behaves properly and naturally
1 bonus pt. other bonus features